الحقائق والمصادر التي تحتاجها لتعرف حقيقة دكتور إيريك بيرج وديانة الساينتولوجي

هذه الصفحة تحتوي على العديد من المصادر التي يمكنك الرجوع إليها والإستفادة منها إذا أردت أن تعرف حقيقة دكتور إيريك بيرج وعلاقته بديانة الساينتولوجي، وبعض الحقائق الصادمة والمرعبة عن الديانة نفسها وعن معتقداتها، وأيضاً بعض المصادر التي تتحدث عن دكتور إيريك بيرج وزوجته وشريكته في إدارة أعماله كارين بيرج.
(جميع الروابط بالخط الأزرق الصغير، وفوق كل رابط ستجد جزءاً مقتبساً من داخل الموقع ليعطيك فكرة بسيطة عما يمكن أن يحتوي عليه كل رابط منهم)
يمكنك مشاهدة الفيديو على قناة “الدكتور” من هنا
ويمكنك مشاهدة الردود العلمية على إيريك بيرج ومعرفة الأخطاء الطبية لدكتور بيرج من هنا
ليا ريميني (الممثلة والناشطة الأمريكية) تكشف الديانة الساينتولوجية – فيديو:
Leah Remini stated that at Tom Cruise’s wedding he sang “You lost that loving feeling” to Katie Holmes and how odd that was. Indeed, at the actual wedding he is singing, “You’ve lost that lovin’ feelin’ / Now it’s gone, gone, gone, whoa / Now there’s no welcome look in your eyes when I reach for you / And now you’re starting to criticize the things I do / It makes me just feel like crying (baby) / ‘Cause baby, something beautiful’s dying”———–ooohhh, how very romantic.
Leah Remini EXPOSES Scientology
دليلك لمنتصف عام 2017 لمعرفة من يحافظ على السيانتولوجيا على قيد الحياة – موقع: ويل ووتشنج أبديت:
Scientology’s caption: “Eric and Karen Berg hail from the Washington DC area. She serves as the Chairman for the local and regional OT Committees while Eric organizes and delivers seminars and serves as an FSM along the Eastern Seaboard. The respected healthcare professionals disseminate materials to peers and others to help raise awareness of the dangers of psychiatric abuse.”
Whale watching update: Your 2017 mid-year guide to who’s keeping Scientology ali
The Bergs have ponied up $500,000 to the IAS in order to be named Silver Meritorious. And again, that’s not counting what they’ve spent for courses, costs, or other donations to Scientology causes, including donations to any future Ideal Org.
يقول التقرير إن نيكول كيدمان بسبب إخلاصها لتوم كروز، درست بجد لتصبح سيونتولوجية:
Devoted to Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman once studied hard to become a Scientologist, report says
Devoted to Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman once studied hard to become a Scientologist, report says
Early in her marriage to Tom Cruise in the 1990s, the young Australian actress was eager to play the role of dutiful wife.
نوادر القناة W5: التحقيق في ديانة الساينتولوجيا – عام 1973:
W5 looked into allegations against the controversial Church of Scientology that had just been established in Toronto. In the US it was already under investigation for records about its founder, L. Ron Hubbard. Ten years after this profile, the Toronto offices of Scientology were raided in an investigation which eventually led to the conviction of a handful of Church members for a ‘Breach of Public Trust’.
أكثر الأماكن رعباً في العالم – منزل أليستر كراولي – صقلية
Aleister Crowley was born in 1875 and known as the wickedest man in the world. His house can still be found in Cefalu, Sicily although it is abandoned and unsafe.
World’s Creepiest Places – Aleister Crowley’s House – Sicily
ابن إل رون هبارد يكشف خبايا والده وحقيقة ديانة الساينتولوجي – فيديو:
L. Ron Hubbard’s son (Ron deWolf) discloses the extensive criminal activity, occult practices, illegal drug taking and human rights abuses perpetrated by his father.
L Ron Hubbard’s Son’s MOST REVEALING EXPOSE on his Father
العملية فريك أوت – ويكيبيديا:
Operation Freakout, also known as Operation PC Freakout, was a Church of Scientology covert plan intended to have the U.S. author and journalist Paulette Cooper imprisoned or committed to a psychiatric hospital. The plan, undertaken in 1976 following years of church-initiated lawsuits and covert harassment, was meant to eliminate the perceived threat that Cooper posed to the church and obtain revenge for her publication in 1971 of a highly critical book, The Scandal of Scientology. The Federal Bureau of Investigation discovered documentary evidence of the plot and the preceding campaign of harassment during an investigation into the Church of Scientology in 1977, eventually leading to the church compensating Cooper in an out-of-court settlement.
Operation Freakout – Wikipedia
العملية سنووايت – ويكيبيديا:
Under this program, Scientology operatives committed infiltration, wiretapping, and theft of documents in government offices, most notably those of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Eleven highly placed Church executives, including Mary Sue Hubbard (wife of founder L. Ron Hubbard and second-in-command of the organization), pleaded guilty and were convicted in federal court of obstructing justice, burglary of government offices, and theft of documents and government property.
Operation Snow White – Wikipedia
عملية التدقيق أو التحقيق في الديانة الساينتولوجية – ويكيبيديا:
L Ron Hubbard claimed auditing provided many benefits including unsupported medical and psychological health effects.
Auditing (Scientology) – Wikipedia
أوبريتنج ثيتان المستوى الثامن – ويكيبيديا:
The original OT 8 level was met with controversy among Scientlogists that completed the level. In the original verison of OT 8, Hubbard predicts an invasion of aliens who plan to takeover the universe by activating an inserted genetic implant that will allow for the enslavement of the universe via telepathic mind control. The implant would be activated during the return of the galactic confederacy which Hubbard claimed was “rapidly approaching”. It was revealed that all world religions, except for “Original Buddhism”, were participating in a conspiracy with the aliens to telepathically enslave the universe. In the level, Hubbard claimed the Second Coming in the Book of Revelation is referring to this event and identifies himself with the “Antichrist” and his life with the “brief anti-Christ period” it mentions and wrote the “anti-Christ represents the forces of Lucifer” which are “the forces of enlightenment”. Hubbard then describes the Historical Jesus as being a homosexual and a pedophile and wrote he was “a lover of young boys and men” and claims the saintly figure portrayed in the Gospels are due to the implant mentioned above. Hubbard then writes “I will return not as a religious leader but a political one with another Identity in a body free of religious mania, right/wrong dichotomy and synthetic karma” and then “halt a series of events designed to make happy slaves of us all.” Hubbard warns that anybody who tries to complete this auditing level without being prepared may “spontaneously combust”. The negative reactions to OT 8 led to the Church to revise the level, referred to internally as the “New OT VIII”.
OT VIII – Wikipedia
الكاتب والناشط الأمريكي أرني ليرما وشهادة المحكمة بخصوص قصة الخلق في الديانة الساينتولوجية – ويكيبيديا:
Arnaldo Pagliarini “Arnie” Lerma (November 18, 1950 – March 16, 2018) was an American writer and activist, a former Scientologist, and a critic of Scientology who appeared in television, media and radio interviews. Lerma was the first person to post the court document known as the Fishman Affidavit, including the Xenu story, to the Internet via the Usenet newsgroup alt.religion.scientology.
Arnie Lerma – Wikipedia
شهادة ستيفين فيشمان في المحكمة بخصوص قصة الخلق في ديانة الساينتولوجيا – ويكيبيديا:
The Fishman Affidavit is a set of court documents submitted by self-professed ex-Scientologist Steven Fishman in 1993 in the federal case, Church of Scientology International v. Fishman and Geertz (Case No. CV 91-6426 (HLH (Tx) United States District Court for the Central District of California).
Fishman Affidavit – Wikipedia
The affidavit contained criticisms of the Church of Scientology and substantial portions of the Operating Thetan auditing and course materials.
زينو الديكتاتور وحاكم اتحاد المجرات – قصة الخلق في ديانة الساينتولوجيا – ويكيبيديا:
Xenu (/ˈziːnuː/), also called Xemu, was, according to Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, the dictator of the “Galactic Confederacy” who brought billions of his people to Earth (then known as “Teegeeack”) in DC-8-like spacecraft 75 million years ago, stacked them around volcanoes, and killed them with hydrogen bombs. Official Scientology scriptures hold that the thetans (immortal spirits) of these aliens adhere to humans, causing spiritual harm.
Xenu – Wikipedia
إيريك وكارين بيرج – إكمال خدمات الساينتولوجي (الكورسات التي تم شراءها وإكمالها للترقي في الديانة):
Preliminary analysis suggests that about 60% of people who try Scientology do only a single course or service, that 80% of new members become inactive within 2 years, and that 65% of those who reach the level of Clear become inactive within a year after doing so. The older a list, the more likely that a person listed on it is no longer involved in Scientology.
Eric & Karen Berg – Scientology Service Completions
هل الساينتولوجيا لعبة عادلة؟ – فيديو:
Almost 60 years since its foundation, though, Scientology has become a uniquely contentious phenomenon – with many questioning its status as a religion, cult or business, and with a reputation for fiercely defensive, litigious and coercive reactions to criticism. One of the first to feel the Church’s wrath was Paulette Cooper – whose 1971 book, The Scandal of Scientology, saw her become the target of an elaborate plot which set out to destroy her credibility, frame her and land her with a 15 year prison sentence. Codenamed ‘Miss Lovely’ by Church operatives, Cooper is now the subject of investigative journalist Tony Ortega’s book, The Unbreakable Miss Lovely.
Scientology: Fair Game?
هل الساينتولوجيا لعبة عادلة؟ – فيديو:
Keto expert Dr. Eric Berg’s son discusses what it was like to grow up in Scientology. Ian’s YouTube channel is Ian Rafalko.
Dr. Eric Berg’s Son Ian Rafalko on Growing Up In Scientology #Shorts
هل دكتور بيرج ساينتولوجيست؟ – فيديو قصير لإيان بيرج (ابن دكتور إيريك بيرج):
According to his son, Keto enthusiast Dr. Berg is not what he seems…
Dr. Berg is a Scientologist? | TikTok
لماذا تركت الديانة الساينتولوجية؟ – فيديو طويل لإيان بيرج (ابن دكتور إيريك بيرج) يكشف حقيقة دكتور إيريك بيرج وديانة الساينتولوجي:
Sorry this video isn’t very well edited, I’m very new to all this so I just needed to get something out in response to all of the support I’ve been getting. I left a few ambiguities for time sake so there’s a lot more to say and a lot more to go over but this is what I feel comfortable posting.
Why I left the church of Scientology
خبراء الصحة والتغذية الذين لا يجب أن تثق بهم:
As typical with many of these so-called health experts, his website includes a shop with unproven supplements (e.g. adrenal body type package, estrogen balance kit) that beyond being a complete waste of money, could quite possibly do you more harm than good.
Nutrition & Health “Experts” You Shouldn’t Trust – Sheila Kealey
دكتور إيريك بيرج – من موقع عمليات الإحتيال القذرة:
It is just a bait to attract customers and once they are inside his centre, he goes beyond limits for selling his products.
Dr. Eric Berg (From dirtyscam.com
He pressurizes customers to pay for the overpriced products that has close to no effect. His treatment programs are also designed in such a way that it only benefits him and not the other party.
They have even monitored their reviews online and pay for posting fake feedbacks.
هل دكتور إيريك بيرج محتال؟ إقرأ هذا قبل زيارة مركز الصحة والعافية – فيرجينيا:
The Health and Wellness Center in Alexandria, Virginia run by Dr. Eric Berg is the most UNETHICAL establishment I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with. They utilize fraudulent and deceptive bait and switch advertising tactics to lure customers in with the promise of a free consultation then proceed to use aggressive, hard-sell sales pitch to pressure customers into purchasing a ridiculously overpriced and bogus treatment program.
Dr. Eric Berg a Scammer? Read This Before Visiting The Health and Wellness Center in Alexandria, VA
الإجراءات التأديبية ضد إريك بيرج – موقع مراقبة الدجالين:
It is further ORDERED that a MONETARY PENALTY be imposed upon Dr. Berg in the amount of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00), with said monetary penalty to be paid to the Board within ninety (90) days of entry of this Order, and that Dr. Berg’s license shall be subject to the following terms and conditions
Disciplinary Action against Eric Berg, D.C. | Quackwatch
الشكاوى المقدمة ضد دكتور إيريك بيرج – الموقع الرسمي لديوان الأعمال الأفضل:
16 Complaints
Dr. Eric Berg DC | Better Business Bureau® Profile
من هو إيريك بيرج – موقع راشونال ويكي:
Eric Berg (c. 1972–) is an American antivaxxer, chiropractor, cholesterol denialist, conspiracy theorist and ketogenic diet advocate. Berg promotes pseudoscientific health advice and quackery. Berg is not a medical doctor. Berg practiced chiropractic for 29 years and is now a full-time YouTube blogger who has made thousands of videos offering health advice. Berg has over 4 million subscribers and claims to have made over 5000 videos.
Eric Berg (From Rational Wiki)
تقييم مركز الصحة والعافية بفيرجينا على موقع ييلب (مركز وعيادة دكتور إيريك بيرج):
If I could rate thid practice -10 I would. The practice is ONLY interested in getting their hands on the 1,300+ that you have to pay with a financial institution with an 11% apr. IF Dr Berg was at all interested in peoples actuall health and well being he would offer different payment plans and not treat potential patients like they are a money making factory. Beware if your credit inquiry doesn’t go through you will (high credit score but not enough credit history) NEVER hear from his practice again.
Health & Wellness Center – Alexandria, VA (From Yelp.com)
الدكتور إيريك بيرج السيانتولوجي ونظامه الغذائي الكيتوني المقدس – مقال من مدونة إيليت تريدر:
He is a Scientologist who has hundreds of videos on You Tube. He is not really a doctor. He’s just a back cracker who thinks he knows a lot about nutrition because he can read and post about his personal opinions. IF you ask anything about his diet or ask why he continuously forgets to post references below his videos, ect you will be BANNED immediately. He has a lot of Scientology people working for him. And yes, Scientology is a Cult of the worse kind.
Dr. Ed Berg the Scientologist and his Holy Keto Diet
دانييل ديفيد بالمر – ويكيبيديا – مخترع الكايروبراكتور:
Daniel David Palmer or D.D. Palmer (March 7, 1845 – October 20, 1913) was a Canadian American chiropractor who was the founder of chiropractic. Palmer was born in Port Perry, Ontario, but emigrated to the United States. He was also an avid proponent of various other forms of pseudoscientific alternative medicine such as magnetic healing. Palmer opposed anything he thought to be associated with mainstream medicine such as vaccination.
Daniel David Palmer – Wikipedia
Palmer believed that the human body had an ample supply of natural healing power transmitted through the nervous system. He suggested that if any one organ was affected by an illness, it merely must not be receiving its normal “nerve supply” which he dubbed a “spinal misalignment”, or subluxation. He saw chiropractic as a form of realigning to reestablish the supply.
رحلة السيانتولوجيا المحيرة من المتمردين الضريبيين إلى الإعفاء الضريبي (جريدة النيويورك تايمز):
For 25 years, I.R.S. agents had branded Scientology a commercial enterprise and refused to give it the tax exemption granted to churches. The refusals had been upheld in every court. But that night the crowd learned of an astonishing turnaround. The I.R.S. had granted tax exemptions to every Scientology entity in the United States.
Scientology’s Puzzling Journey From Tax Rebel to Tax Exempt (Published 1997)
فيلم “التنقية” – ويكيبيديا:
The film deconstructs the church’s claims by presenting a condensed history of Scientology and its founder, L. Ron Hubbard, examining how celebrities interact with the church, and highlighting the stories of a number of ex-members and of the abuse and exploitation that they described seeing and experiencing. The Church of Scientology responded vehemently to the film, complaining to film critics about their reviews and denouncing the filmmakers and their interviewees.
Going Clear (film) – Wikipedia
أشهر عشرة مشاهير تركوا الديانة الساينتولوجية – فيديو:
The Church of Scientology may have some big names, but they couldn’t keep these notable ones. Stars like Brad Pitt, Katie Holmes and Christopher Reeve have all dabbled in Scientology, before deciding it wasn’t for them. WatchMojo is counting down the top 10 stars who left Scientology.
Top 10 Celebrities Who Left Scientology
الإنفصال في الديانة الساينتولوجية – يفصلهم عن أحبائهم – فيديو:
November 19, 2011 – Toronto Anonymous protesting Scientology against disconnection policy and separating families and loved ones. David Edgar Love, Adam Holland, Toronto Anonymous.
Scientology Disconnection – Separates Loved Ones
ديفيد ميسكافيدج يعلن خبر وفاة ونعي إل رون هبارد – فيديو:
أليستر كرولي الوحش العظيم رقم 666 – فيديو:
Aleister Crowley – The Great Beast 666
أليستركيف تستخدم السيانتولوجيا الجنس للسيطرة على الناس كريس شيلتون – فيديو:
Chris Shelton | How Scientology Uses Sex to Control People